Make Your Own Muffsy: IRM-05-5 PSU Breakout Board

13.05.19 10:17 PM By skrodahl

A very simple, but useful PCB. A power supply for the Muffsy Relay Input Selector (or anything else that can be powered by 5V DC/1A):

Muffsy Input Relay Selector - 5V
Breakout Board for the MeanWell IRM-05-5 PSU

The MeanWell IRM-05-5 takes an AC input between 85 and 265 volts, or a DC input between 120 and 370 volts and converts it to 5 volts DC at a maximum of 1 ampere.

This open source PCB project created in Eagle lets you add input and output cabling, as well as providing mounting holes for the PSU. Download it here:

The project contains the schematic, the board, and the gerber files (and also the .cam file to generate your own gerbers).
