Privacy Policy
At we care about your privacy. This is why we use an SSL certificate to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks and why we don't even have a way of creating an account. We don't need your personal information to provide this service, so we won't collect it.
Contact Form
The contact form will generate an email, making us able to communicate directly with you. You will need to provide an email address. Your address, and the contents of our communication will never be shared with outside parties.
Communication from Us
As a rule, we will only contact you if you were the one who initiated the contact. You will never receive any newsletters, product updates, spam or any other kind of soliciting unless you specifically ask for it using the contact form.
Blog Comments
Comments on the blog are moderated. Always. No spam, profane language, advertising, bullying or otherwise offending or objectionable information will ever be allowed.
The comment section requires you to leave a name and an email address. The email address will not be shown on the blog, and your name and email address will never be shared with external parties.
If your comment is of general interest, it will be published even if you choose to use a pseudonym and/or a fictional email address.
Google Analytics / AdSense
This site uses Google Analytics to collect traffic information. This is done to get a general idea of the amount of people visiting this site, and to optimize the website structure so it will be as easy to navigate as possible.
There may be ads showing at the bottom of each page and in blog articles. No personalized ads are shown in the EU/EEA.
No information from Google Analytics is ever shared with outside parties, and no personally identifying data is included in the analysis.
All of our activities fall within the bounds of Google Analytics Terms of Service and Google AdSense Terms of Service.
Google Search
The search box on this site is provided by Google. Google will always track your searches, and they will present ads for certain search words.
Buying on Tindie
The Muffsy Phono Kits are sold on Tindie, please refer to their Terms of Service for more information. No information will ever be shared by us, and your personal information will not be used to contact you for anything but your specific purchase.