Muffsy Reviews

24.11.15 11:41 AM By skrodahl

About 10% of the customers have found it worthwhile to review the Muffsy products on Tindie

It's always very interesting to hear what people think, and it is especially rewarding when they are happy.

Tindie Review Page

The reviews, although very favorable, aren't 100% positive. People think that the power supply should be offered as a kit, and that the older PCB only versions aren't sufficiently documented.

You have been heard though. The power supply is now a kit. The older, PCB only versions have all sold out, and have been removed from the store.

I get to interact with a lot of the customers, and I'm really happy that I can be of assistance. Many of these conversations lead directly to improvements of the documentation.

With improved instructions, and a line-up of products that makes it easier than ever to build a complete phono stage, now might be the time to get one for yourself.

If you get all the products from the Muffsy Phono Preamp Tindie listing, you'll save $20 on lowered price and shipping.

The reviews mean a lot to me, and I hope to see more of them. Also, do reach out to me on the contact page if you are in need of assistance or just want to chat or if you have ideas for improvements.
